High Holidays with the Shtibl Minyan


Join us for the Yamim Noraim

We are grateful to be gathering together once again for the Yamim Noraim as an extended community.

:מן המצר קראתי יה ענני במרחב יה: קולי שמעת אל תעלם אזנך לרוחתי לשועתי

From the narrowness I called, God answered me with the breath of Divine relief: You have heard my voice; do not shut your ear to my prayer for relief, to my cry.

At the end of this bitter year, where we saw the deaths of thousands, Israelis and Palestinians, and a steep rise in hatred in this country and around the world, we gather to pray in the insane belief that in the hours we spend together in song and reflection we create a world in which peace, nonviolence, love, respect, and dignity prevail. Join us.

For all Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, we will be meeting inside at Beth Chayim Chadashim - 6090 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90035

Rosh Hashana:

10/2 - 6:20 PM - Mincha and Maariv

10/3 - 8:30 AM - Shacharit/Musaf

10/4 - 8:30 AM - Shacharit/Musaf

Shabbat Shuva:

10/5 - 9:15 AM -- Shacharit/Musaf (Potluck to Follow)

Yom Kippur:

10/11 - 5:30 PM - Mincha and Kol Nidre

10/12 - 8:30 AM - Shacharit/Musaf

10/12 - 4:50 PM - Mincha followed by Neila (around 6:20)

With deepest thanks to our indefatigable High Holiday Coordinators, Ronni Hendel-Giller and Michelle Fellner, for all the work they have done and are continuing to do to make the Yamim Noraim so beautiful and meaningful.

For all your High Holiday/Shtibl questions check out our FAQ below!


Are all services really free?

YES! We are grateful to be able to make all Shtibl davening, including High Holiday Davening FREE to all.

At the same time, we are moving (at least for the next 6 months) to BCC, and with that comes an increase in expenses for our community. 

Our goal is to raise $20,000 by the end of 2024. This will help us ensure we can bridge the difference between our current rent and expected future rent. As an entirely lay-led community, our funds go toward rent, childcare, insurance, and minor costs associated with administrative necessities. We hope you might help sustain Shtibl with a one-time, monthly or annual contribution. You can click here to make a tax deductible contribution. We invite people’s generosity at whatever level is right for them!

Will there be kids programming?

YES! We are grateful to our Shtik team who will be supervising our Shtik (Shtibl Kids) throughout all our High Holiday davening times (except Erev RH Mincha/Maariv). Shtibl Kids supervision will be in the room next door to the sanctuary as well as in the outdoor spaces on the campus. Snacks will be provided but feel free to bring more hekshered snacks to share! AND your children are always welcome to join us for davening.

What are your COVID protocols?

We will be providing masks for those who would like to wear them. While we no longer require masking in our minyan you are welcome to continue masking. We will have air purifiers throughout the building along with a building-wise AC system. The space will be flexible if you would like to have a spot in the room closer to the filter or distanced from others. If you have any questions about our policies please ask our COVID Committee Members - Avi Havivi, Aviva Bernat, and Lisa Aziz-Zadeh (abrahamhavivi@gmail.com; avivabernat@hotmail.com; lazizzad@usc.edu)

Is the building physically accessible?

The front entrance located on Alvira St. leads to a ramp that is wheelchair accessible all the way into the sanctuary which does not require any stairs. The Bima also has a ramp. We will have seats close to air purifiers.

If there are any specific accessibility needs you have please reach out to our coordinators at coordinators@shtibl.com

I’m new to the community is there anything else I should know?

First —We’re so glad you’ll be joining us! The Shtibl Minyan is an entirely independent and lay-led egalitarian Jewish community in Los Angeles, established in 1999. We daven together (inspired in part by the neo-hasidic movement), read and study Torah, and embrace political and social action to further justice. We are an intimate and welcoming community and a place where “joining” is all about participating. All of us bring different skills and talents, with the common goal of building and maintaining a sacred community. For that reason, all members may lead or participate in every aspect of our services and events, and we are welcoming of all genders, ages, races, sexual orientations, and abilities.

All of our leaders are lay volunteers sharing their own reflections on the year. We’re grateful for each person who has volunteered their time and thoughts to share in our space.

If you’re wondering if this is the space for you, feel free to reach out to the coordinators at coordinators@shtibl.com

We’d love for you to join us beyond the high holidays! By subscribing to our mailing list at the bottom of this page you can stay updated on all our upcoming meeting dates and times!